GREEN – (An imminent threat of severe weather within an hours’ time) Net control will activate a Non-Directed Net (Alert tones and announcement of impending weather), Net control will ask for formal check-ins. When recognized by Net control please give the following information,

  1. Call sign and first name
  2. Location (i.e. County and city or village)
  3. Base or mobile station

RED – (Severe weather is impacting our area) Net control will switch from a Non-Directed Net to a Directed Net, Net control may ask for additional formal check-ins. Net control will contact stations in the affected area asking for weather conditions. Stations should report only severe weather conditions to the net control station

  • Tornados
  • Strong winds 50-80 MPH
  • large hail ½ inch or larger in size
  • Severe damage to structures
  • Flash flooding
  • Water spouts

-If at any time you physically see a situation that is life threatening break into the net and advise the Net control station of the situation so that it can be reported.

-If you must leave the net, please check out with net control.  If you must take cover please try to indicate that to net control, but your safety is of paramount concern and must take precedence in all situations.

Primary Repeater 146.860   114.8 pl

Secondary Repeater 442.500  114.8 pl

Simplex 146.520

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